Reo ~Intro~


Leo was a young boy from a south of the border country who lived in a town with a long funny name.
He grew up in that smalltown, but he never knew any better because he lived there all his life, he heard it was worse at the little rural towns and he saw what it was supposed to be better in those tv shows. When younger he traveled a couple of times to the beach, he thought it was beautiful but the heat and humidity was too much, plus the everpresent sound of the waves somehow disturbed him.
His family was average, his father a salaryman, his mother a housewife, a three year older sister, his motherside grandparents, an aunt who lived faraway, also a few pets.
His grandfather and uncle died the same week, his uncle got terminally ill, irresponsible parties and relations eventually led to that, and had finally died, his grandfather was sick from this and that, when his son died he got depressed, his illness escalated and died as well, maybe he wanted to follow him, I dont really know, nor care much.
When Leo was a little boy he used to visit his grandparents, watch some local soccer or baseball from the north country and fill himself with large amounts of snacks and soda. There was these tortilla ships snacks that tasted wonderful to him, but someday the owner of the patent and the company who sold the snacks got into a fight and they stopped producing it, some years later the company relaunched the product, but it was different, the taste was more spicy and Leo hated it forever, then he quickly realized he didnt like sports on tv.
Leos grandparents lived in a rented apartment near a brewery, while Leo, his parents and sister lived in another, or sometimes a rented house. When Leos uncle was sick, he often slept with either his parents or at Leos house, not that Leo paid much attention. One time the uncle traveled and lived for a couple of months with his sister at a borderline town. The last months of his life was at Leos house under the care of his other sister, Leos mother; our protagonist? he didnt even noticed the moment when he died.
When the deaths happened, the grandmother went to live at Leos house. A couple of years later they used the insurance money from Leos grandfather to buy a house, and theyve been living there ever since, its a very nice place for that town, a high middle class yet old neighbourhood somehow near the center of the city.
Leo went to catholic schools all his life, the schools were from the same religious group, primaria (elementary), then a secundaria (middle school) three blocks away from his house, and preparatoria (high school), he even went a year to an university the group had just started. Leos college years were very messy, he went to three different ones but he never lasted more than a year, for several reasons he could never advance, all he got was some debt that was never paid. In the last one that operated like cheap franchises, he also changed from the one near his home to another kinda close too, and later got a semester off two times to eventually never come back.
He tried to work sometimes but he never lasted a month. He did some impressive things that helped him move on with his life, however, he never made much money at all.
Since early age Leo got interested in girls, he was handsome, had a nice strong body, was funny and carefree, so girls naturally got interested in him, but he was never able to make a commitment with one, and he didnt have the money to pay them for dates and such, more importantly patience, so he never really had a girlfriend. He was one of those people who ended up never having sex ever, he always thought of changing that at some point, after all he was very interested in girls, yet he never knew what he could possibly say, he didnt have much in common with girls his age, and for some weird reason he could never complete a relation with an older woman, even when they were already offering him a chance for free. So Leo grew up very frustrated at some abstract idea of what should be, but somehow he didnt seem to really care. He also thought of going to one of the nearby his home massage places, he even met a couple of girls from those, he like them and found them attractive, but he never had sex with them, he was very poor and decided not to at the end, even considering the “level of emergency”. Those places were blocks away from his home, he could have visited any day, but he rather kept the money, or the lack of it.
Leo lived in a smalltown, Leo grew down in a smalltown, Leo hated the smalltown, but he never knew that he could leave.
